1. Write a query to display EmployeeID of those employees who belong to the department, Tool Design. (Use the AdventureWorks database)
select BusinessEntityID as 'EmployeeID',JobTiTle from [HumanResources].[Employee] where JobTitle='Tool Designer'
2. Write a query to display the credit card number of Catherine Abel. (Use the AdventureWorks database)
Select CardNumber FROM Sales.CreditCard WHERE CreditCardID=(Select CreditCardID FROM Sales.ContactCreditCard WHERE ContactID=(Select ContactID FROM Person.Contact WHERE FirstName='Catherine' AND LastName='Abel'))
3. Write a query to display the first name and the last name of the customers along with their credit card identification number. (Use the AdventureWorks database)
Select FirstName,LastName,B.CreditCardID FROM Person.Contact A CROSS APPLY (Select * FROM Sales.ContactCreditCard B WHERE B.ContactID=A.ContactID)B
4. Write a query to display the sales order IDs and the order detail IDs along with the total value of those orders that have a total value greater than the average of the total value for the order ID. (Use the AdventureWorks database) Select SalesOrderDetailID,SalesOrderID,LineTotal FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail s1 WHERE s1.LineTotal>(Select AVG(s2.LineTotal) FROM Sales.SalesOrderDetail s2 WHERE s1.SalesOrderID=s2.SalesOrderID)
5. Write a query to display the sales person ID and the total number of sales orders processed by each sales person. In addition, display the commision earned by each sales person. Commision is given to each sales person at the rate of $ 10 per order. Exclude the orders where sales person ID is null. The details of the sales person who has got the maximum commision should be displayed first in the result set. (Use the AdventureWorks database)
WITH Sales_CTE (SalesPersonID,TotalSalesOrder) AS ( Select SalesPersonID, COUNT(SalesOrderID) FROM Sales.SalesOrderHeader WHERE SalesPersonID IS NOT NULL GROUP BY SalesPersonID ) Select SalesPersonID,TotalSalesOrder, Commission=TotalSalesOrder*10 FROM Sales_CTE Order By TotalSalesOrder desc 6. Write a query to display CreditCardID, CardNumber, and ExpYear of the credit cards that do not expire in the year 2005 and 2007. (Use the AdventureWorks database) select CreditCardID,CardType,ExpYear from [Sales].[CreditCard] where ExpYear!=2005 and ExpYear!=2007
7. Create a table named Recipient in the NarrowFabrics database to store the details of the recipients to whom the orders are dispatched. The following table provides the structure of the Recipient table.
8. NarrowFabrics, Inc. is a leading cloth manufacturing organization that manufactures and delivers clothes to the distributors. Being a database developer at NarrowFabrics, you need to create a database that will store the various database objects, such as tables, views, and indexes, used by the organization. Write the SQL statements that you can use to create a database named NarrowFabrics.
note: right click on the sql database. new database .
9. LiveChain, Inc. is a leading media company that organizes events and provides photography services. After each event, the company stores the pictures taken in the event and delivers the pictures to the client on request. As a database developer, you have been assigned the task to create a database named PictureLibrary that the company can use to store the pictures.
CREATE DATABASE PictureLibrary ON PRIMARY ( NAME=PictureLibrary, FILENAME='C:\DATA\PictureLibrary.mdf'), FILEGROUP FileStreamGroup CONTAINS FILESTREAM(NAME=VideoLibrary_Data, FILENAME='C:\DATA\PictureLibrary_Data') LOG ON (NAME=Log1, FILENAME='C:\DATA\PictureLibrary.ldf')
10. Create a table named Country in the NarrowFabrics database to store the country details. The following table provides the structure of the Country table.
CREATE TABLE Country( CountryID varchar(2), Country char(25), )
11. John is working with Client Network Ltd as the Database Administrator. He wants to create a database to store the details of all the employees working in the organization. He needs to ensure that while saving, the data is placed in multiple file groups so that he is able to effectively manage the backup and restore operations. What should John do to perform this task?
CREATE DATABASE EmpDetail ON PRIMARY ( NAME='EmpDetail_Primary', FILENAME='D:\Data\EmpDetail_Prm.mdf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=10MB, FILEGROWTH=1MB), FILEGROUP EmpDetail_FG ( NAME='EmpDetail_Dat1', FILENAME='D:\Data\EmpDetail_1.mdf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=10MB, FILEGROWTH=1MB), LOG ON ( NAME='EmpDetail_log', FILENAME='D:\Data\EmpDetail.ldf', SIZE=5MB, MAXSIZE=10MB, FILEGROWTH=1MB) GO
12. You need to store the details of the offices in the central database, PictureLibrary. Write the SQL statement to create the OfficeLocation table in the PictureLibrary database. The following table shows the structure of the OfficeLocation table.
USE PictureLibrary CREATE TABLE OfficeLocation ( Office_ID int NOT NULL, Office_Manager varchar(30) NOT NULL, Office_Location geography NOT NULL )
13. Write a query to make EmpDetail_FG as the default filegroup for the EmpDetail database.
gibver0ep-bi1988 Jeff Diaz https://wakelet.com/wake/1p0I5b7H6OGzhhp5P6RPG